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Childcare and Preschool Programs

Chelsea · Dexter · Saline

A list of state-licensed child care centers. Home-based child care is also available. For information, contact the Child Care Network (734-975-1840 or 888-338-7656; info@childcarenetwork.org, childcarenetwork.org) or visit greatstarttoquality.org to search a database of licensed family and group homes.

Bemis Farms Preschool & Childcare

77 W. Bemis [map]
(734) 944-1709

Ages 6 weeks-5 years. Adult-child ratio: 6 wks-2 1/2 years 1:4, ages 2 1/2-3 1:8-1:10, ages 4 & over 1:10. 6:45 a.m.-6 p.m. Before-school care & after-school care available. Extended care and summer camp program for grades K-6. Call for rates. Open year-round. andy@bemisfarmschildcare.com, bemisfarmschildcare.com

Children's Creative Learning Center

5939 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. [map]
(734) 429-9292

Year-round full-day and half-day care for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and young 5/pre-K. School-age before- and after-school care for grades K-4. Summer camp for grades K-5. Adult-child ratio: infants & toddlers 1:4, preschoolers & young 5's 1:8-1:12. Open 8 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Call for a tour and rates. director@childrensclc.com, childrenscreativelearningcenter.com

First Foundations Early Learning Center

211 Monroe [map]
(734) 944-8636

Ages 2 weeks-8 years. Adult-child ratio: infants, toddlers 1:4; preschool 1:8. Must be toilet trained for preschool room. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Year-round full- and part-time care. Drop-in child care available for school-age siblings of enrolled children. Call for rates or a tour. 1stfoundationselc@gmail.com, firstfoundations.info

Jellybean Daycare & Preschool

120 W. Willis [map]
(734) 429-2222

Preschool and infant/toddler programs for age 5 & younger. Preschool adult-child ratio 1:5. Infant/toddler adult-child ratio 1:3. Mixed-age classrooms. Homemade meals included. 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. jellybeanpreschool@gmail.com, jellybeanpreschool.com

Lil' Saints Preschool

1200 N. Ann Arbor (First United Methodist Church) [map]
(734) 429-4528

Preschool for ages 2 1/2-5 in a nondenominational Christian environment. 9 a.m.-noon. Adult-child ratio 1:6. Follows Saline public schools calendar. Contact for pricing. lilsaintsdirector@gmail.com, lilsaints.school

Little Star Preschool and Day Care

7265 N. Ann Arbor St. (Liberty School) [map]
734-429-8000 x4060

Full- and part-time care for infants-pre-kindergartners during the school year. Preschool and "begindergartner" programs, toddlers and infants. Hot lunches through the Saline schools. Adult-child ratios: infants & toddlers 1:4, preschoolers and pre-kindergartners 1:10. 7 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Call for rates. rajcarter@aol.com, littlestarpreschool.com

Northstar Montessori Preschool & Childcare

420 W. Russell [map]
(734) 944-9300

Ages 6 weeks-6 years. Adult-child ratio: 1:4 to 1:10. Open 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Before- and after-school care available for children up to 13 years of age. Summer camps and academic enrichment programs year-round. northstarmontessoripreschool.com

Play and Learn Children's Place

440 W. Russell [map]
(734) 944-3456

Year-round full-time care for age 8 weeks-12 years. High Scope curriculum. Small class sizes and ratios. Adult-child ratios: infants and toddlers 1:4, preschoolers 1:8, older children 1:10. 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Before- and after-school care available. Contact for rates. playandlearnsaline@gmail.com, playandlearnsaline.com

Pooh Corner Preschool

7265 N. Ann Arbor St. (Liberty School) [map]
(734) 401-4063

Operated by Saline Community Education for children ages 3-5. Degreed teachers in early childhood education. Adult-child ratio 1:10. $90 registration fee.Times and tuition vary by age and classroom. Follows Saline public schools calendar. Children must be toilet trained. Also subsidized Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP). Mon.-Thurs. 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. turcks@salineschools.org, salineschools.org/schools/saline-community-education/pooh-corner/

Saline Area Schools Before- & After-School Care

7265 Saline-Ann Arbor Rd [map]
(734) 401-4031

For grades K-5. Operated at area schools by Saline Community Education. Adult-child ratio 1:18. For grades K-3: Harvest, Pleasant Ridge, and Woodland Meadows offer before-school care starting at 6:45 a.m., after-school care until 6 p.m. Registration fee $50/family. Mornings $9.50/day, afternoons $11/day. For grades 4-5: Heritage has before-school care starting at 6:45 a.m., after-school care until 6 p.m. Mornings $9/day, afternoons $11/day. Additional programs offered on school breaks, half days, in-service days, and over the summer. Lee Saborio, program specialist, saboriol@salineschools.org, salinecommunityed.com

Saline Cooperative Preschool

6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. (Holy Faith Church; not affiliated) [map]
(734) 429-0685

Parents assist once or twice a month and have job with the co-op plus a fund-raising quota. Adult-child ratio 1:4. Multi-age classrooms and play-based curriculum. scoopmembership@gmail.com, salinecoop.org

Washtenaw Christian Academy Preschool

7200 Moon [map]
(734) 429-7733

Morning and afternoon sessions for ages 2.5-5 (must be fully toilet trained); 3s and 4s preschool Mon.-Fri., Mon./Wed./Fri., or Tues./Thurs.; Young 5s Mon.-Fri., full or half day. Before- and after-school care available. Adult-child ratio 1:8. Open 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Contact for rates. jcummings@washtenawchristian.org, washtenawchristian.org

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