Business Groups
Chelsea ·
Dexter ·
For groups and clubs, dues are annual unless otherwise noted.
Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group
(800) 272-3900
Support groups meet 2nd Weds. 2:30-4 p.m. at StoryPoint Independent Living (6230 S State); 3rd Weds. 6:30-8 p.m. at Brecon Village Memory Support Center (101 Brecon).
American Truck Historical Society (Southeastern Michigan [SEMI] Chapter)
John Dresden III, (248) 752-3830
Free meetings feature a speaker and discussion with antique truck owners about finding parts in the area, the history of trucking, and local historical events. Meets Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. & Nov., 3rd Tues. 7 p.m., usually at Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds, 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline. National dues $37 (includes six issues of Wheels of Time), additional $15 for chapter.,
Down Syndrome Support Team (DSST)
Mail: 9227 Fieldstone Ln., Saline 48176
Elaine Luther, (313) 608-7374
Resources for families and friends of people with Down Syndrome. Sponsors events and some children's activities.
Foundation for Saline Area Schools
P.O. Box 5, Saline 48176
(734) 401-4085
Established in 1987, this non-profit organization provides private funding to support academic projects, enrichment programs, and other activities aimed at enhancing the quality of education in the Saline Area Schools. Distributes individual teaching grants and funds for district-wide strategic goals. Grants serve as seed money for educational initiatives not funded by the general budget.,
Freemasons (Saline Masonic Lodge #133)
P.O. Box 15, Saline 48176
(734) 249-9874
Fraternal organization participating in scholarships, local charities, and community service projects. Meets 1st Tues.: dinner at 6:30 p.m., business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Saline Masonic Temple, 109 W. Michigan. Contact for dues information.,
Friends of the Saline District Library
Saline District Library, 555 N. Maple [
(734) 994-0625
Raises money to support and promote library programs. Operates The Corner Book Shop within the library; open most days. Accepts donations in marked box in front lobby: books, videos, tapes, games, computer software, CDs, puzzles. Board meeting 1st Thurs. 6:30 p.m. in the library's Brecon Room. Volunteers welcome.
Kiwanis Club
Roger "Mike" Raham, (734) 662-2522
Supports local charity and service events. Offers scholarships to two high school graduating seniors each year. Dues $88. Meets 1st & 3rd Mon. 6:15 p.m., dinner at 5:45 p.m. Brecon Village, 200 Brecon Dr.
Knights of Columbus
Scott Hooker, (734) 358-0294
Catholic charity organization. Meets 1st Wed. 8 p.m. (preceded by 7 p.m. Mass), St. Andrew Catholic Church, 910 Austin. Dues: $32.
Lions Club
P.O. Box 412, Saline 48176
Helps people with sight-related issues and supports Saline Social Services. Offers annual scholarships for Saline high school graduating seniors entering a health-related field. Dues $70. Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. 6:30 p.m., Mac's Acadian Seafood Shack, 104 E. Michigan.,
Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 311
(517) 423-6601
A community service, charitable organization that additionally supports scholarships for college education to all. Meets Sept.-June on 1st Mon., 7:30pm at the Masonic Temple, 109 1/2 W. Michigan Ave.
Parents Who Care/Helping Children and Schools Succeed
Lisa Rentschler, (734) 476-6073
Support group for parents of children with special needs. Presentations, seminars, workshops. Coffees/teas and dinners. No dues. Call or email for meeting dates and times.
Rotary Club
P.O. Box 121, Saline 48176
Jill Durnen (club administrator), (734) 429-5491
Service club helps with the Saline Community Fair, raises money to take local children Christmas shopping, provides scholarships for Saline High School seniors, and more. Dues $160 (does not include $13 lunch at meetings). Meets Thurs. noon, Travis Pointe Country Club, 2829 Travis Pointe Rd., Ann Arbor.
Saline American Legion
320 W. Michigan [
(734) 216-5208
Raises money for scholarships for Saline High School students, cooks for senior groups, and more. Meets 4th Thurs. 7 p.m. Women's auxiliary meets 4th Tues. 7 p.m. Sons of the American Legion meet 2nd Tues. 6 p.m.
Saline Area Chamber of Commerce
141 E. Michigan, #B [
(734) 429-4494
Sponsors annual Business Enterprise and Saline Salutes citizen awards, golf outing in June, Saline Summerfest 5K Run/Walk, Christmas Parade, and Santa's Village. Weekly member and community updates, business and community information. Women In Business 4th Thurs.; Men's Business League 3rd Thurs. Breakfast meetings 4th Tues. All meetings recess for Aug. Lunch & Learn and After Hours events. Dues $105 & up.,
Saline Area Historical Society
P.O. Box 302, Saline, 48176
(734) 944-0442
Operates the Saline Depot Museum and the Rentschler Farm Museum. Meetings open to members and friends, Jan.-Apr. & May-Oct., 2nd Sat.,
Saline Area Senior Center
7190 N. Maple [
(734) 429-9274
Numerous fitness & health classes and educational programs including art, computer, drumming, painting, pickle ball, tennis, ping pong, volleyball & woodcarving, as well as daily card games, billiards, crafts, parties, & Fri. bingo. Acupuncture and massage offered by licensed therapists. Day and extended trips, flu shots, general health referral services. Classes for county residents age 65 & over in yoga, fitness, and tai chi offered by Washtenaw Community College. Organizes local Meals on Wheels deliveries for homebound seniors Mon.-Fri. Member rates scaled with age, see website for details.,
Saline Community Garden
Woodland Dr. E. (between Woodland Meadows Elementary & Weber-Blaess School)
(734) 401-4025, Joseph Freeman
A gathering place to grow fruits & vegetables. Call for info.
Saline Stone & Thistle Garden Club
Elizabeth Bairactaris (734) 429-1107, Kit Gunn (734) 994-7455
Programs about gardening and related topics. Community garden maintenance, member workshops, garden walks, summer field trips, roadside clean-ups. Dues $20. Meets Sept.-Nov. and March-May 3rd Mon.; Jan. & Feb. meet 2nd Mon. 6:45 p.m. at Saline Evangelical Home Solutions Community Room, 440 W. Russell.,
Saline Woodcarvers
Peggy (734) 548-0194
Meetings open to all, Wed. 6-7:30 p.m. at the Saline Area Senior Center, 7190 N. Maple. Annual woodcarving show: Oct. 6, 2018, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at Liberty School, 7265 N. Ann Arbor St. Dues $7.,
Saline-Brecon Friendship Guild
P.O. Box 182, Saline 48176
Jim Roth, (734) 429-4063
A social club that hosts guests from Brecon, Saline's sister city in Wales, and raises funds for Brecon's official visit every 5 years (next visit 2021). No dues.
Saline-Lindenberg Friendship Committee
426 Amherst Cir [
Linda TerHaar, (734) 429-8221
Group of residents interested in the area's German heritage. Hosts guests from Saline's sister city, Lindenberg, Germany, and raises funds for Lindenberg's official visit every 5 years. Supports high school student exchanges through German American Partnership Program (GAPP). Traditional German Stammtisch gathering every 3rd Tues. 7 p.m. at Mac's Acadian Seafood Shack, 104. E. Michigan. Participates in the downtown Saline Oktoberfest. Dues $25, lifetime membership $250. Newcomers welcome.,
WISE (Women in Study and Encouragement)
(734) 429-4730
Ecumenical group of women studying the Bible and Christian literature. Free babysitting service during Tues. meetings. Meets Tues. 9:30 a.m. First United Methodist Church of Saline, 1200 N. Ann Arbor.
Next Section: Saline Healthcare